Программа работает, но есть глюк, запись одна не там пишется. В общем, как зайдете, сами все поймете.
Program Nim; Uses CRT; Const MAXROW = 14; MAXCOL = 20; Type ColType = array [1..MAXROW] of Integer; Var exit, change: Boolean; nrow: Integer; ncol, col: ColType; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure ShowField; const Fish = #220; X0 = 4; X1 = 72; X = 20; var i,j: Integer; begin {ShowField} for i := 1 to nrow do begin GotoXY(X0,i + 4); Write(i); GotoXY(X1,i + 4); Write(col[i] : 2); for j := 1 to ncol[i] do begin GotoXY(X + 2 * j,i + 4); if j <= col[i] then Write(Fish) else Write('.') end end end; {ShowField} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure Prepare; const Header0 = 'Game Nim'; Header1 = 'Vi mozete vzyat lyuboe 4islo fishek iz lyubogo ryada.'; Header2 = 'Viigrivaet tot, kto vozmet poslednyuyu fishku.'; Header3 = 'Nomer ryada'; Header4 = 'Kol-vo fishek'; var i: integer; begin {Prepare} ClrScr; GotoXY((80 - Length(Header0)) div 2,1); Write(Header0); GotoXY((80 - Length(Header1)) div 2,2); Write(Header1); GotoXY((80 - Length(Header2)) div 2,3); WriteLn(Header2); Write(Header3); {Probambly Error} GotoXY(80 - Length(Header4),4); Write(Header4); for i := 1 to nrow do col[i] := ncol[i] end; {Prepare} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure GetPlayerMove; const TEXT1 = 'Vvedite Vash hod v formate RYAD KOL-VO' + '(naprimer, 2 3 - vzyat iz 2 ryada 3 fishki)'; TEXT2 = 'ili vvedite 0 0 dlya vihoda iz igrbl; -1 0 dlya nastroyki igrbl'; TEXT3 = 'Vash hod: '; Y = 20; var correctly: Boolean; x1,x2: Integer; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure GetChange; const t1 = 'G A M E O P T I O N'; t2 = '(vvod kol-va ryadov i kol-va fishek v kazdom ryadu)'; var correctly: Boolean; i: Integer; begin {GetChange} ClrScr; GotoXY((80 - Length(t1)) div 2,1); Write(t1); GotoXY((80 - Length(t2)) div 2,2); Write(t2); repeat GotoXY(1,3); Write('vvedite kol-vo ryadov (maximum ',MAXROW,'): '); GotoXY(WhereX - 6,WhereY); ReadLn(nrow); correctly := (nrow <= MAXROW) and (nrow > 1); {vozmozno oshibka} if not correctly then Write(#7) until correctly; for i := 1 to nrow do repeat GotoXY(1,i + 3); Write(' ryad ',i,' kol-vo fishek (maximum ',MAXCOL,'): '); GotoXY(WhereX - 6,WhereY); ReadLn(ncol[i]); correctly := (ncol[i] <= MAXCOL) and (ncol[i] > 0); if not correctly then Write(#7) until correctly end; {GetChange} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} begin {GetPlayerMove} ShowField; GotoXY((80 - Length(TEXT1)) div 2,Y); WriteLn(TEXT1); GotoXY((80 - Length(TEXT2)) div 2,Y + 1); Write(TEXT2); repeat GotoXY(1,Y + 2); Write(TEXT3); GotoXY(WhereX - 16, Y + 2); ReadLn(x1,x2); {Vozmozno oshibka} exit := x1 = 0; change := x1 = -1; if not (exit or change) then begin correctly := (x1 > 0) and (x1 <= nrow) and (x2 > 0) and (x2 <= col[x1]); if correctly then begin col[x1] := col[x1] - x2; ShowField end else Write(#7) end else correctly := true until correctly; if change then GetChange end; {GetPlayerMove} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure SetOwnerMove; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Function CheckField: Integer; var i,j: Integer; begin {CheckField} j := 0; for i := 1 to nrow do if col[i] > 0 then inc(j); CheckField := j end; {CheckField} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure CheckPlay; var i: Integer; begin {CheckPlay} GotoXY(1,25); Write('Vvedite 1, esli hotite sblgrat eshe raz, 0 - exit: '); ReadLn(i); if i = 1 then change := true else exit := true end; {CheckPlay} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure PlayerVictory; const t1 = 'YOU WIN!!!'; var i: Integer; begin {PlayerVictory} GotoXY((80 - Length(t1)) div 2,24); WriteLn(t1,#7); for i := 1 to nrow do if ncol[i] < MAXROW then inc(ncol[i]); CheckPlay end; {PlayerVictory} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure OwnVictory; const t1 = 'YOU LOOSE'; var i: Integer; begin {OwnVictory} i :=1; while col[i] = 0 do inc(i); GotoXY((80 - Length(t1)) div 2,24); Write(t1,i,#7); Delay(2000); col[i] := 0; ShowField; CheckPlay end; {OwnVictory} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure ChooseMove; const BIT = 6; type BitType = array [1..BIT] of Integer; var ncbit: array [1..MAXROW] of BitType; i,j,k: Integer; nbit: BitType; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure BitForm(n: Integer; var b: BitType); var i: Integer; begin {BitForm} for i := BIT downto 1 do begin if odd(n) then b[i] := 1 else b[i] := 0; n := n shr 1 end end; {BitForm} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} begin {ChooseMove} for i := 1 to nrow do BitForm(col[i],ncbit[i]); for i := 1 to BIT do begin nbit[i] := 0; for j := 1 to nrow do nbit[i] := nbit[i] xor ncbit[j,i] end; i := 1; while nbit[i] = 0 do inc(i); if i > BIT then begin j := 1; while col[j] = 0 do inc(j); k := 1 end else begin j := 1; while ncbit[j,i] = 0 do inc(j); for i := 1 to BIT do if nbit[i] = 1 then ncbit[j,i] := ord(ncbit[j,i] = 0); {Vozmozno oshibka} k := 0; for i := 1 to BIT do begin if ncbit[j,i] = 1 then inc(k); if i < BIT then k := k shl 1 end; k := col[j] - k end; GotoXY(1,23); Write('Moy hod: '); GotoXY(WhereX - 8,WhereY); Delay(1000); Write(j,' ',k); col[j] := col[j] - k end; {ChooseMove} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} begin {SetOwnerMove} case CheckField of 0: PlayerVictory; 1: OwnVictory else ChooseMove end end; {SetOwnerMove} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Begin {Main Program} nrow := 3; ncol[1] := 3; ncol[2] := 4; ncol[3] := 5; Repeat Prepare; repeat GetPlayerMove; If Not (exit Or change) Then SetOwnerMove until exit or change Until exit End. {Main Proram}
Если нашли ошибку и знаете как исправить, скажите, пожалуйста! Все точно с учебника списал, а оно все равно глючит =( Сейчас скажу примерные номера строк, в которых она, кажется закралась. - 22 - 31 также 52 - 55, 66, 107-110. Может и в другом месте, никак пнять не могу почему строчка про введение хода пишется сразу после фишек.
Сообщение отредактировано: MeatCrash - 24.11.2012 17:53